These donuts are quick and easy to make. You just need a donut mould tray.
So make donuts anytime for your kids in a hours time
No yeast ,no resting time and no deep frying
125 gms flour
1 egg
60ml luke warm milk or little bit more to make a batter consistency.
Pinch of salt
1 tsp Cinnamon
40 gms powdered sugar
30gms butter
1 tsp baking powder
1 /4tsp sodabicarb
1 tsp vanilla essence
Donut mould
Piping bag or soup spoon
Oil to brush the donut mould tray
Whisk powdered sugar and egg together well using a whisk.(hand egg beater)
Add the vanilla essence and whisk again
Add the lukewarm milk now and whisk.
Sift together the flour ,cinnamon,salt,sodabicarb and baking powder .
Add sifted flour mix to the egg mixture. Lastly add the melted butter .and mix well.
Brush the donut mould tray with oil
Pour this batter in a piping bag .snip of the
End. Or it's easier with a soup spoon.
With a soup spoon I added two soup spoonfuls into the mould
Pipe this batter into the mould tray. Leaving 1/2 inch space .
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees
For 7 to 8 mins. Or till done.
To the sifted icing sugar add a bit of lukewarm water to make a thick paste.
either add cocoa powder or coffee powder or cinnamon to the above icing paste
Mix well or add colours of choice
Decorate with Sprinkles or chocolate chips or cinnamon or grated chocolate
