Delicious crunchy oats cookies consisting of oats , cornflakes , sugar and essence.
50 gms oats
50 gms cornflakes
80 gms sugar powdered
80 gms pure ghee or butter melted
1/4tsp baking powder
A pinch of soda bicarbonate
100 gms plain flour
4 tbsp milk
1tsp vanilla essence
Add a few raisins and choco chips
Mix the ghee and sugar together well. Add 1tsp vanilla essence and mix well
Add 4 tbs milk. Add the flour baking powder and soda bicarbonate to the ghee mixture
and mix well. Add the oats and cornflakes along with few raisins and choco chips.
Form into flat round shapes . Chill for 30 mins.
Bake in oven at 180 degrees
For 15 to 20 mins or till slightly browned on underside.
